Psalm 119:37

Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways. Psalm 119:37

This verse encapsulates a timeless struggle that resonates with the human experience -- distraction and the pursuit of meaningful life.

“Turn my eyes…” The Psalmist says that his eyes are stubborn and tend to get him in trouble. Not only his physical eyes but also the very real “eyes of his heart.”

“…from looking at worthless things…” Worthless distractions are all around us. Worthless pursuits of our  hearts cry out daily if not hourly.

“…give me life in your ways.” The Psalmist is reminding himself where his worth is found. It is in his sonship as a child of God. He is reminding himself that his hope is found in being in God’s family and not from other “worthless things” that tend to occupy his thoughts.

All of Psalm 119 is displaying our freedom to talk back to God, our Father. We are told in scripture that we have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ (Romans 8:15 ESV)

It is safe to admit that our hearts are easily captivated by empty pursuits, and true life is found in aligning our desires with God's ways.

We can also admit that the world bombards us with countless distractions that promise fulfillment but leave us empty. The encouragement to us as believers is to intentionally turn away from these distractions and fix our eyes on the life-giving ways of God. Again, recognizing that this is also true of the “eyes of our heart.”

Finally, as believers, we can admit to the deeper roots of our fascination with worthless things. At times, this fascination may stem from perceived unmet need(s) or unresolved heart issue(s). Being in God’s word, praying, and being open with others in community are healthy ways to both renew your minds and to begin addressing the underlying issue(s) that may lead to unhealthy preoccupations with empty pursuits.

Psalm 119:37 serves as a timeless prayer, reflecting the universal struggle to turn our physical eyes and the “eyes of our hearts” away from worthless things and find true life in God's ways. As believers, we are called to admit this struggle and to seek fulfillment in the eternal, life-giving ways revealed in Scripture.

Burke Care would love to talk with you more about how these distractions of the eyes and struggles of the heart may be affecting your life today. Please consider beginning the process of uncovering any unhelpful ways you find your heart captivated.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV

God, thank You that You know these things about me. That my sin is not hidden from You. You know when I go right and when I go left. You are not surprised when I struggle keeping my eyes on Your ways. You know when the “eyes of my heart” wander onto the next flashy thing. Keep me on Your way. Keep my heart aligned with You. Change me, mature me, sanctify me, conform me into the image of Jesus until I see You face to face. Amen!

Application Questions:

  1. When are the times that my eyes wonder? When are the times that my heart is captivated by “worthless things?”

  2. What are ways of escape when I lose my way and drift into things not of God?

  3. How can I begin to dialogue with other, safe followers of Jesus to help me navigate life even as I continue to struggle with distraction and unhealthy choices?

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Psalm 119:38


Psalm 119:36