Psalm 119:39

Turn away the reproach that I dread, for your rules are good. Psalm 119:39

The wording of this verse is not simple. Here is a paraphrase that might be worth considering. “Father, turn away the unrighteous reproach that others might bring while I enjoy good and righteous reproach that You bring.”

The Psalmist is saying that there is a reproach that I dread and a reproach that I enjoy. One comes against me from unrighteous outsiders who slander and lie. While the other comes from You, my perfectly good, just, right, and all-knowing Father, God. One brings disgrace and the other brings grace, forgiveness, mercy, and love.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 ESV

When I think about the reproach that God brings me, it is full of truth, honor, justice, purity, loveliness, commendation, excellence, praiseworthiness, and things like these. I want to hear about the things that God has to say to me. I want to have a correct assessment of myself in relation to the Creator God.

God’s judgements are good.

I need God to reveal Himself to me so that He makes me understand who I am and how He made me. He is the main character in my story. He is the one that allows me to take part in His plan of redemption. I am humbled that He asks me to take part as He reconciles His children back to Himself.

I do not want to be distracted by the reproach of others. I am more fearful of what God says about me than what others say about me. I am going to experience fear, but it is important how I resolve this fear. I can ask myself if I fear not getting the approval of others or if I fear not being approved of by God.

If you find yourself fearing the reproach of others more than having a healthy fear of God, fear could be at the root of poor choices. I would encourage you to spend time thinking about what are those things that you fear from others and consider scheduling time with someone on the Burke Care team to process through them.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. Proverbs 9:10 ESV

God, give me a healthy fear of You. Father, I want to not be distracted by the cares of this world. You call me to love my neighbors but do not let me cling too tightly to what they think of me. Open my hands to what You are calling me to and help me to love others unselfishly. You supply all that I need while my friends point me back to You. Keep me true to You while I love others well. Amen!

Application Questions:

  1. Where do you see yourself fearing the reproach of others rather than God?

  2. Do the words “reproach of God” bring about feelings of condemnation at times?

  3. Like putting medicine on a cut finger provides healing, how can the “reproach of God” bring about healing in your life?

  4. Is it difficult to talk about feeling of reproach or disapproval of others? Do you have a friend you can talk about this with?

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Psalm 119:40


Psalm 119:38