Psalm 119:44-45

I will keep your law continually, forever and ever, and I shall walk in a wide place, for I have sought your precepts. Psalm 119:44-45

There was a time when we had a home with a large park-like backyard, a wide place. We loved it because of the areas that we had for our family, with spaciousness front, back, and side yards. It was a unique setting with boundaries that provided a relaxing place for us to enjoy the gifts of God and the beauty of His creation. We see God’s loving parameters and the fullness of life with Him in Psalm 119:44-45 as well.

…keep your law continually… In verse 44, the Psalmist starts with a bold statement to God saying, “I will keep your law continually, forever and ever.” He is emphasizing not only an on-going rhythm of consistency with God’s teaching, but one of enduring consistency over the course of time. 

…walk in a wide place… He speaks to a wide-breath or spaciousness that is open for him to walk in, like our former park-like backyard. Here he can travel unhurriedly in a wide expanse. He has freedom to breathe deeply.

We also read about this sort of wide place as a refuge, protection, and source of guidance in Psalm 31:8, when the Psalmist says, “…and you have not delivered me into the hand of the enemy; you have set my feet in a broad place.”

…for I have sought your precepts. The Psalmist not only keeps the law, but he also seeks out more as he walks. He is continually keeping the law and seeking more of it. It is a thirst for more of God’s commandments.

We see this pattern of seeking the Lord expressed as thirsting for Him in Psalm 63:1, when the Psalmist says, “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you.”

And we look to the words of Jesus when he talked about the way to quench the true thirst in the heart of every person, and the overflow of life with Him, saying:

…but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14 ESV

Our children have grown up and we now live in more modest accommodations. The yard around our home is not specifically ours but is considered part of a common area. Yet God provides me with a spacious place to worship Him, enjoy Him, spend time with Him, get to know Him, walk in His commands, seek His forgiveness, experience His merciful kindness, and rest in His covering.

God is faithful. And when I am not faithful to seek more of Him, He is still there. He does not leave me. It is His faithfulness that has brought me to this point, not my own. He provides me with everything I need. If I feel I do not have, He is there. If I am insecure, He is my security. If I am not knowledgeable, then He is my wisdom. If I lack money, then He is my inheritance.

My desire is more of Him, so I endeavor to continually seek Him and His ways.

God, keep me from running after my own perceived wants and desire. Keep my eyes on You and You only. I want to resemble Jesus more and more each day but fail often. Keep me upright, in Your will, and walking towards what You have for me. Be my faithfulness… Amen!

Application Questions:

  1. Where do I most feel crowded out and unable to move?

  2. How can I orient my life to continually seek the Lord?

  3. What would it be like to pause to picture the spacious place God has set out for me?

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Psalm 119:46


Psalm 119:43