Psalm 119:53

Hot indignation seizes me because of the wicked, who forsake your law. Psalm 119:53

Charles Spurgeon, in his book "The Gospel Alphabet," comments on a verse saying: "[The Psalmist] was horrified by their actions, the pride that prompted them, and the inevitable punishment that would follow. When he meditated on God's ancient judgments, he was filled with terror at the fate of the godless."

In our culture, "indignation" often seems synonymous with judgment. However, Spurgeon correctly interprets this verse. The Psalmist is "terrified" of the consequences of abandoning God's law, utterly fearful of the outcome of straying from God's Word.

The Psalmist likely aims to show readers both aspects of God's commands. One aspect is the delight and comfort in adherence, while the other is horror when they are abandoned.

In the Christian journey, there is no neutral — only forward or reverse.

Have you ever attempted to put your faith on pause? Have you considered taking a break from following God to see what happens? Choosing not to follow Jesus is a decision to abandon Him. It's a harsh reality for Christians who follow Jesus.

This might explain the Psalmist's intense "hot indignation" towards those who abandon God's laws. It's akin to watching a young driver shift into neutral while ascending a quiet street with an incline. Disaster ensues as the car, after losing momentum, rolls back uncontrollably.

Such an event would certainly provoke cries from onlookers.

Extending this metaphor, we should indeed back away from sin and change our direction. But once on God's path, we must keep moving forward. Neutral is not an option.

Perhaps you feel directionless, but please know that God is writing a beautiful story of redemption. Burke Care would love to invite you get back in step with His grace. Consider reaching out today.

O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.
Psalm 139:1-2 ESV


Application Questions:

  1. Where do you feel directionless today? What do you need to move forward?

  2. Knowing that movement is required, how can you take a step toward doing the next right thing?

  3. When are the times you find yourself coasting? What does more intentionality to your life look like?

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