Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. — Proverbs 3:5

Rusty Dawson, MTS

Adult Male Discipleship Care
Marriage Discipleship Care
Couples Discipleship Care
Work Life Care
Recommended Donation: $80


Rusty received his Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from the Master’s University. Rusty has worked with a men’s recovery home in Borger, Texas, as the director and main counselor until the doors closed. Rusty is serving as an Elder at Redeemer Borger, helping with the preaching and teaching. Rusty has also earned his MTS (Masters in Theological Studies) in Preaching and Pastoral Ministry from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Rusty is a member of the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) and an ABC Level 1 certificate holder. He has completed the Level 1 Equipped to Counsel (ETC) certification. Currently, Rusty is in the process of completing the ABC Level 2 certification.

Interests & Specialties

Rusty has been in the military and dealt with PTSD, anxiety, and depression himself. These are areas of interest being pursued theologically and are the main focus of his counseling. Trauma is a big deal and affects many aspects of one's life, so Rusty is mostly focusing on trauma and addictions.


Rusty was born and raised in Borger, Texas; he left for the Army in 2004 and served just under 6 years, following two back-to-back tours in Kosovo and Iraq. Upon returning home, Rusty met his now wife, Krista, and stepdaughter, Britni. Rusty also had the desire to help others deal with their trauma and addictions, so he began his journey in pursuit of Biblical counseling and academia. Rusty has helped to plant a new church in Borger called Redeemer Borger alongside the planting Pastor. Rusty enjoys spending time with his family, reading, and teaching/counseling every chance he gets. a friend.