Dirty Hands

Many would look at these fingers and say, “look at the dirt under the nails, this guy needs to wash his hands”.  Some would say worse!  However, these hands show the genius and finesse of an expert craftsman.  A gunsmith to be exact, meticulously hand filing a component for a seamless fit.  These hands have handled and repaired firearms for decades.  Clean hands would be counterfeit; consequently, the dirt and oil-stains symbolize the qualifications of a master.   

 But what do the dirty hands of a gunsmith have to do with Jesus? 

 As I watched this gunsmith work I too was taken by how dirty they were.  But they are fulfilling a purpose…something impressive.  Something strategically planned beforehand. 

When I think of the hands of Jesus I don’t imagine cleanliness… 

I read of a Master’s mud and saliva covered hands that healed a man born blind (John 9:6)

I read of a Master that touched sore covered lepers and healed them (Mark 1:41)

I read of a Master that took the hands of a dead girl in His own and gave her life (Mark 5:41)

I read of a Master that washed the dirt covered feet of His disciples (John 13:5)

And I read of a Master whose hands were meant to be pierced and blood soaked from before the beginning of time. (2 Tim 1:9). Battered hands, stretched on a cross, predestined to redeem. Clean hands would be counterfeit.  The nails, the blood…the qualifications of a Master.  Hands that can heal the deepest wounds, redeem the darkest sins, and satisfy the thirstiest soul. 

Do you know these hands?  These crucified and risen hands reach out offering grace and yet also hold a winnowing fork “in his hand, to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire” (Luke 3:17). 

Take His hand while you can.   




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