Psalm 119:34

Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. Psalm 119:34

Remember, Psalm 119 was used to teach the Hebrew children the Hebrew alphabet while also relaying basic truths of the Jewish faith into their everyday life. With that in mind, let us break down this verse.

Give me understanding…” is another way of saying that only God can provide the psalmist with right understanding of life.

…that I may keep your law…” sounds like taking the concept of the law and translating it into the psalmist actions.

…and observe it…” is saying something about seeing the action of the law in specific manner.

…with my whole heart” talks about how the observation is received by the psalmist.

So as the psalmist is having this “I” to “you” conversation with God, he is asking that God “give him understanding.” He knows that understanding does not come from inside of himself, but from outside of himself. God is the giver of understanding.

The “why” of this understanding is so that the psalmist can incorporate the ways of God into his daily circumstances. If the psalmist desires godliness when he needs understanding, understanding is not enough if it never translates to a changed heart and more faith in future grace.

Now, once the change takes place internally, external changes should be able to be seen not only by the psalmist but by those around him. When the Holy Spirit does a work in a person, the change is rarely subtle. Often, I have seen individuals grow and mature in such a way that they almost look different than before. When the Holy Spirit is at work, it is noticeable.

And, finally, the psalmist reminds himself to pursue sanctification and “being conformed into the image of the Son” (Romans 8:29). So, this is not a slight change. This is the type of change is “whole heart” change. God is not looking to tweak our life or be an add-on to our existing life. God wants our whole heart. He is looking for an undivided alliance.

I pray this verse will become a reminder that God is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. He intends to start the work of understanding and not finish until it has captured our entire heart. And with child-like faith, He will keep us into eternity.

Do God’s teaching sometimes seem too simplistic or at time too complex? If you would like to investigate for yourself how to make sense of seemly simple verses, Burke Care would love to walk alongside you and listen. God wants all His children to growing in their understanding of Him. Plan to start your journey today.

God, our Father in heaven, You are holy. We want to grow in our knowledge of You but at times feel like children just learning to read. Please remind us that we are not a bother. Please remind us that you “delight” in us as Your children. Teach us your ways, give us understanding, change our hearts. Amen

Application Questions:

  1. Are there times that you feel you need to know more than you do before God will listen to you? Like you have not graduated yet?

  2. Do you ever consider that God is too busy to deal with the details of your life? That He has bigger things to deal with other than your hurts, losses, and disappointments?

  3. Have you ever considered the idea that God “delights” in you as His child? Is that a hard concept to consider?

  4. What would motivation feel like if someone close to you expressed their “delight” in who you are? How might that feel different?

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Psalm 119:33