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Articles, Resources, Podcasts, and Sermons Burke Care Sponsored Blog Post
12/30/2024: A Grace-filled Redemptive Gathering | Jim Burke
9/30/2024: True Rest Comes from God | Jim Burke
6/24/2024: Dirty Feet: Our Filty, His Joy | Cameron Woodall
3/25/2024: Marriage: A Dance of Beauty and Chaos | Jen Arend
12/25/2023: “The Lord Send…” | Cameron Woodall
12/17/2023: Immanuel and Our Fear | Jen Arend
10/30/2023: Where You Abide Reveals What You Love | Cameron Woodall
10/23/2023: Behold Wonderous Things | Jim Burke
9/4/2023: Would Paul Reject Biblical Counseling? | Cameron Woodall
5/8/2023: Who is the hero of your story? | Cameron Woodall
12/2/2022: Burke Care: Two ways we can help your Counseling Ministry | Jim Burke
1/11/2021: The Unexpected Benefits of Online Counseling | Jim Burke
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Discipleship Care Library of Articles
5 Questions I Wish My Accountability Partner Would Ask Me by Brad Hambrick
We Aren’t Called to Listen to Everyone by Stephen Kneale
How Adoption Mirrors God’s Love for the Fatherless by Amy DiMarcangelo
Adoption: The Gospel Plan for the Thirsty Soul (Part 1) by Cameron Woodall
Adoption Predates the Universe (Part 2) by Cameron Woodall
Adoption Informes Identity (Part 3) by Cameron Woodall
Six Reasons Why Adultry Is Very Serious by Tim Challies
Think You’re Immune to Adultery? by Aaron Sironi
7 Blessings Older Christians Offer the Church by Skylar Spradlin
Getting Older Involves a Lot of Dying by Tim Challies
Don’t Waste Your Ambition by Tim Challies
When Failure Saves and Success Destroys by Tim Challies
Tempering our Tempers by Rut Etheridge III
You Can be Right and Wrong Simultaneously by Erik Raymond
Don’t Go to Bed with Your Anger by Marshall Segal
Seeing Red by Karen Wade Hayes
Thankfulness (and other habits) by Marli Scarborough
We’re Commanded to Love Our Neighbors, Not to Make Them Feel Loved by Doug Ponder
Freedom from the Burden of People Pleasing by Susan Narjala
People Pleasing is a Shapeshifter by Amy Medina
How We Can Serve Step-Families by Tyler Horton
How to Love Blended Families in Your Church by Joy Allmond
Stepmom: The place between rock and hard by Sabrina McDonald
Blended & Redeemed Pastor’s Guide by Scott and Vanessa Martindale
When We Hurt Those Who Are Hurting by Ed Welch
Should Pastors Encourage Secular Therapy? by Ed Welch
Mental Illness and Church Discipline by Michael Emlet
When Your Visitors Do Not Return to Your Church by Seob Kim
God’s Good Design of the Local Church by James Williams
A Bunch of Good Reasons To Saturate Your Worship Services in the Bible by Tim Challies
What Are the Limits of a Church’s Authority? by Jonathan Leeman
Expecting Less from Church by Ed Welch
Is Your Church Christian or Christianish? by Tim Challies
Every Small Group Needs a Vision by Marshall Segal
Meatless, Cheeseless, Crustless Pizza and the Evangelical Church by Tim Challies
Give Members Permission to Leave Your Church by Juan Sanchez
We Can Always be Friendly by Stephen Kneale
What I Want from a Church by Tim Challies
The Church: A Family of Redemption by Chase Johnson
32 Random Thoughts About the Local Church by Tim Challies
A Church with Great Music by Tim Challies
Britian’s Loneliest Sheep by Stephen Steele
Building Jerusalem; God is doing Something by Stephen Kneale
Stones of Remembrance: Journaling Through Life’s Challenges by D. Eaton
Looking Upwards Amidst Chronic Illness by Katie Marquez
Solemnity and Celebration, Esclusivity and Inclusivity by Tim Challies
You Want People to Think Better of You Than You Deserve by Jacob Crouch
The Sad, Sad Story You Need to Tell God by Tim Challies
Ten Questions to Ask Yourself Before Confronting a Brother or Sister in Christ by Paul Tautges
Love Keeps No Record of Rights by Tim Challies
Before You Go On the Attack by Tim Challies
Critical Dynamics of Criticism by Nick Batzig
To pursue contentment, don’t believe the lies of our culture by Written for our Instruction
Contentment doesn’t mean you must stay in the same circumstances forever by Written for our Instruction
Turning your Complaints into Graditude: A Great Challenge by Kevin Carson
5 Ways to Ruin a Perfectly Good Dating Relationship by Tim Challies
4 Guildelines for Dating Without Regrets by Tim Challies
Letter to a Friend Engaged to a Nonbeliever by Sean Nolan
The BIble’s Plan for Sexuality Isn’t Outdated, Irrelevant, or Oppressive by Tim Challies
Can Christians Date Nonbelievers? by Marshall Segal
My Boyfriend is Spiritually Lethargic by John Piper
Christian Marries a Non-Christian, How does the Church Respond by John Piper
How Far is Too Far? On Boundaries in Christian Dating by Marshall Segal
Deconversion is Apostacy by Jacob Crouch
Why I Changed My Mind about Deconstruction by Tim Barnett
Living with Dementia by Peter Milsom
Remembering the Gospel with Alzheimer’s by Marlena Graves
Not Neurotypical: Love Story by Rebekah Matt
Test, Seek, Pray, Fight: The Pursuit of Holy Affections by Seth Porch
The Audacity of Disability by Andrea Sanborn
5 Bad Reasons to Get a Divorce by Joe Carter
10 Common but Illegitimate Reasons to Divorce by Tim Challies
6 Great Reason To Study Doctrine by Tim Challies
3 Limits to Christian Liberty by D. Eaton
Do Not Bury Your Doubt by Nick Aufenkamp
When Doubt Eclipses Faith; Learning to Fight for Spiritual Sight by Jon Bloom
Eight Ways Satan Tempts You To Question Your Salvation by Tim Challies
If Perfectionism Destroying Your Relationship with Food? by Cheryl Szarko
An Elephant in the Room - Sized Post on Gluttony by Jared Wilson
Idolizing Our Feelings by Community Presbyterian Church Louisville KY
Envy Always Wins by Tim Challies
What Can a Heart Do? by Tim Challies
Weaponized Emotions by Dave Dunham
Fit for Office; How Some Exercise Extends Ministry by Mark Jones
When Homosexuality Comes Home; Three Lessons for Engaging Loved Ones by Josh Blount
Would You Attend a Gay Wedding by John Piper
Annual Reflection Plan for Families by Saturate
Eisenhower Matrix: How to Priorities Your To Do List by Team Asana
5 Reasons We Eat Together as a Family by Tim Challies
The Blessings That Come From Forgiveness by Leah Jones
Learning to Forgive Family by John Piper
The Consequences of Forgiven Sin; When Pain is Not a Penalty by John Piper
Pursuing and Granting Forgiveness by Tim Lane
Your Past Does Not Have to be Your Future by Craig Thompson
More Than BFFs: When Friendship Goes Too Far by Kelly Neeham
Hope for Unhealthy Friendships by Christine Hooer
Talking with Kids about Gender Issues: Give Them a Biblical Vocabulary by Ellen Mary Kykas
When We Follow God’s Plan by Tim Challies
Glorifying God and Glorifying Mountains by Tim Challies
When “All Things” Don’t Feel So Good by Tim Challies
Why Should We Remember waht God Forgets? by Tim Challies
God Doesn’t Need You to do His PR by Tim Challies
It’s All Chocolate by Tim Challies
God’s Grace in Our Weakness by Betty-Anne Van Rees
If God Is Not Sovereign by Tim Challies
3 Reasons I’m Glad That God is Sovereign over Tragedy by Jacob Crouch
If God Would Outsource His Sovereignty by Tim Challies
What Does God Want of Me? by Rebekah Matt
How God Speaks To Us Today by Tim Challies
Is There a Danger of Worshipping the BIble Instead of God? by Randy Alcorn
The Hidden Gift of Spiritual Amnesia by Rebekah Matt
What the Father Gives, We Must Receive by Tim Challies
If God Desires All to be Saved, Why Are’nt They? by John Piper (interview)
He is Better Than Our Best Dads by John Piper (excerpts)
The More We Drink, The More We Thirst by Tim Challies
God Knows by Jacob Crouch
You Asked: How Do We Know If God is Disciplining Us? by Don Carson
Pierced By the Word of God by John Piper
The Centrality of the Gospel by Tim Keller
The Gospel Never Does Nothing by David McLemore
15 Reasons Why Legalism is Desctructive by David Kaywood
How Can I Return to Normal Life After Tragedy? by John Piper
Death: A Wasp WIthout a Stinger by Dan Brewer
Parent Love and Grandparent Love by Tim Challies
Drawing Near: Loving your Adult Children and Grandchildren by Brenda Harstine
Are My Septuplets in Heaven? by John Piper
Why Do You Believe That Infants Who Die Go to Heaven? by John Piper
What Happens to Infants Who Die? by John Piper
Will My Son Go to Heaven? Infancy, Disability, and Sovereign Grace by John Knight
Does Nick Send Me Signs? by Tim Challies
Will We Know Everything In Heaven or Will We Learn? by Randy Alcorn
Four Categories to “Act the Miracle” by Tim Challies
How Do You Balance Leave and Cleave with Honoring Your Parents? by Got Questions
Honoring Dishonorable Parents by Michael Schultz
Honoring Your Mother-In-Law by Stacy Reaoch
God Chose Your Mother-In-Law; Five Reasons for WIves to Lean In by Stacy Reaoch
Hospitality Is About More Than Food by Jocob Crouch
I Must Decrease… But How? by Rebekah Matt
A Constant Dying by Jacob Crouch
Most People Die on The Climb Down by John Onwucheckwa
The Curse of a Godly Wife by Tim Challies
Your Faithfulness Affects Us All: A Plea to Empty Nesters to Continue to Pursue Their Marriages by Tim Counts
What Makes a Man - or a Woman? by Joe Rigney
Counseling a Woman Who Husband Doesn’t Lead by Beverly Moore
Your Husband Will Be Perfect How to Love a Flawed Man by Chariesse Compton
Sexual Intimacy in Marriage: A Joint Trust by Aaron Sironi
Good Lovemaking Is About God by Garrett Kell
When the Fireworks of Marriage Stop by Daniel Seabaugh
A Reflection of Christ by Tim Challies
The Purpose and Limits of a Husband’s Authority by Jonathan Leeman
4 Aspects of Being Made in God’s Image by D. Eaton
Video: I Struggle With Dark Intrusive Thoughts That Scare me. What Do I do? by Mike Emlet
A Still and Quiet Mind by Burke Care
When Intrusive Thoughts Come by John Beeson
Joy and Enjoyment by James Williams
The Greatest Joy is Jesus by Wes Bredenhof
Those Exquisite Forms of Love That Do Not Speak Your Language by Tim Challies
Love Is a Risky Business by Tim Challies
Speak Truth With Your Neighbor by John Piper
Articles: Healthy Rythms in a Godly Marriage by Garrett Higbee
Why Marriage is Better Than Cohabitation by Tim Challies
18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Wife by Tim Challies
How to Cheapen a Marriage by Tim Challies
Why We Can Rejoice that Marriage Will End by Tim Challies
One Unexpected Key To a Joyful Marriage by Tim Challies
YouTube Video: My Husband Lied to Me by Aaron Sironi
Before You Read Another Book on Marriage by Tim Challies
Marriage as a Covenant by Robert Jones
Temptations Common to Marriage by Bobby Scott
When Your Life Feels “Too Small” by Susan Narjala
You, Yes You, Are a Minister! by Tim Challies
What it Takes to Survive Ministry by Darryl Dash
Getting Out of the Burnout Pit by Vera Christian
Wade In The Water by Seth Lewis
Book: OCD: Freedom for the Obsessive-Compulsive by Mike Emlet
Articles: Religious OCD by Mike Emlet (CCEF $3.29)
Podcast: OCD: The Far Side of Fear by Elyse Fitzpatrick
Unpacking Obsessive Compulsive by Speak the Truth
Biblical Conceptualizatoin of OCD by Truth Renewed
Biblical Counseling and OCD by Lucy Ann Moll (BCC)
Coping Statements for Christians With OCD/Scrupulosity by Ted Witzig. Jr.
Articles: Nurture Your Children by Tim Challies
For The Mom Dropping Her Student Off at College by Stephanie Formenti
How to Avoid Enabling by Justin Lakemacher
Why You Don’t Need to Worry (So Much) about Your Schooling Choices by Rebekah Matt
10 Lessons on Parenting Big(ger) Kids by Tim Challies
Is It Better for Moms to Stay at Home by Adrien Segal
Your Only Human by Sarah Walton
I Want Kids; My Husband Doesn’t by John Piper
5 Bad Substitues for Discipline by Tim Challies
3 Parenting Myths We Are All Tempted to Believe by Tim Challies
Train Up a Child: No Guarantees by Dianna Moffitt-Carroll
Drawing Near: Loving your Adult Children and Grandchildren by Brenda Harstine
The Parenting Book Too Few Parents Read by Tim Challies
Parenting Books I Recommend by Tim Challies
What’s the Purpose (and the Benefit) of Family Devotionals? by Tim Challies
How Can I Be a Godly Mom? by Emily Van Dixhoorn
God Understands and Is Compassionate Towards Parent of Prodigal Children by Paul Tautges
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Following A Parenting Method by Tim Challies
Book: Picture Perfect by Amy Baker
Article: Perfectly Dreadful: Recognizing and Overcoming Perfectionism by Mike Emlet (CCEF $3.29)
The Christian’s Responsibility to Pray for Rulers by Blake Long
A Forgetter’s Prayer by Melissa Edgington
Answering Children by Seth Lewis
My Prayer for the Furnace; How I Ask God to Heal by Matt Chandler
How To Pray For Someone Who Is Dying by Tim Challies
A Prayer for the Bereaved by Tim Chaliies
Should I Pary to the Father, the Son or the Spirit by John Piper
How Do We Pray in the Spirit by John Piper
In the Name of Jesus by Tim Challies
Post-Traumatic Stress (Seminar Videos) by Brad Hambrick
How the Trauma Narrative Helps and Hurts by Beth Claus
How Do I Know I’m Really Repentant? by Jared C. Wilson
Four Key Principles of Repentance by Tim Challies
A Picture Perfect Rest by Tim Challies
What If I Don’t Know When I Believed in Christ? by J.A. Medders
Jesus Between the Criminals by Stephen Witmer
If I Was the World’s Only Christian by Tim Challies
Eight Ways Satan Tempts You To Question Your Salvation by Tim Challies
When Self-Centeredness Sets In by Justn Mykoagpangan
When You Hate your Body: The Crushing Standard of Self-Worth by Bekka French
What Jesus Sees (Even When Others Do Not) by Tim Challies
The Role You Want vs. The Role You Got by Rebekah Matt
Women, Trade Self-Worth for Awe and Wonder by Jen Wilkin
Articles: Postive Purity by Tim Challies
How to Destroy Your Marriage Before It Begins by Garrett Kell
Marriage Isn’t Rehab for Sexual Sin by Ruthledge Etheridge III
You Are Not Addicted The Power to Resist Pornography by John Piper
Sexual Sin is Not Inevitable by Randy Alcorn
The Problem with Sexual Compatibility by Hafeez BaokuAr
Is It Wrong to Have Sex Before Marriage by Kevin DeYoung
Every Nightmare Starts As a Dream by Eric Raymond
Post the Strongest Soldier at the Weakest Gate by Tim Challies
How Long Have You Been Battling? by Tim Challies
Is Every Sin the Same in God’s Eyes? by Kevin DeYoung
What God Does WIth Your Sin by Tim Challies
Why Doesn’t God Zap Away Our Sins by Tim Challies
8 Practical Ways to Flee from Tempation in the Moment by Greg Rakozy
The Most Satisfying Single Years by Marshall Segal
The Unwanted Gift of Singleness by Katelynn Luedke
Does God Tell Us Who to Marry? by Paula Marsteller
Nine Lies in the Not-Yet-Married Life by Marshall Segal
The Godliness of a Good Night’s Sleep by Scott Hubbard
Articles: On The Crushing Guilt of Failing at Quiet Time by Kevin DeYoung
5 Cautions for Your Spiritual Disciplines by Tim Challies
Don’t Waste the Days When You Feel Little Need for God by Tim Challies
Quiet Times and Evangelism: How Much is Enough by Keven DeYoung
Learning to Stand by Tim Challes
Christians Should Long for Giftedness by Justin Huffman
No Had But His Ever Holds the Shears by Tim Challies
When You Long to Know the “Why” Behind Your Suorrow by Tim Challies
Grief and Our God by Melissa Affolter
Shaken to Bear Fruit by Tim Challies
Tabernacles, Grief & My Greatest Hope by Peter Witkowski
The Best Day You’ve Ever Had by Tim Challies
The Only Tears in Heaven by Tim Challies
Trusting Through Trials and Tragedies by James Williams
God Sees the Pain Unseen by Others by Sarah Wilson
Come, All Who Are Weary by Jon Bloom
The Way of Lament by Christina Fox
What Can God Do WIth Broken Hearts by Tim Challies
Immediate Gain, Great Gain, Everlasting Gain by Tim Challies
What God Says to Your Tears by Scott Hubbard
There is Something Better Than Never Suffering by Jared C. Wilson
8 Ways God Works Suffering for Our Good by Tim Challies
Flowers Springing Up in the Rain by Tim Challies
When We Cannot Stop the Tears by Madelyn Canada
Two Years Later: What Aileen Is Thankful For by Tim Challies
I Want Him Back (But Not The Old Me Back) by Tim Challies
On Nick’s Twenty-Third Birthday and My Own by Tim Challies
Where is Your Faith by Mary Nolte
What to Say to Someone Suffering like Job by Eric Ortlund
There is No Growth Without Death by A Life in Time to Preach
Can Cancer Be God’s Servant? What I Saw in My Wife’s Last Four Years by Randy Alcorn
The Thing About Light and Momentary by Tim Challies
Grief, but Not WIthout Hope, from Ames Iowa by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra
God Does Not Owe Us a Happy Ending by Tim Challies
Go to Funerals by Michael Lyons
Showing Mercy in A Feeding Frenzy by Tim Challies
The Prayer for the Bereaved by Time Challies
The Blessing of a Higher Purpose in Our Pain by Tim Challies
Don’t Always Avoid Pain by Kuza
Helpful Things You Can Say to Grieving Parents by Tim Challies
Waiting in Faith by Tim Challies
Grief Oblivion by Brittany Lee Allen
When Grief Like Sea Billows Roll through Your Holidays by Daniel Darling
I Fear God, and I’m Afraid of God by Tim Challies
What Matters Is Not the Size of Your Faith by Tim Challies
Discouragement is not Always our Enemy by D. Eaton
Life Without Romans 8:28 by Tim Challies
No Suffering is Unseen; Why Our Secret Pain Really Matters by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
What is Transgender? by Rosaria Butterfield
Transformation of a Transgender Teen by Sarah Eekhott Zylstra
3 Core Beliefs of the Transgender Movement by Samuel D. Ferguson
Emerging From Our Trials Unscathed by Tim Challies
The Discipline of Watching by Tim Challies
How (and Not How) to Wait by Mark Vroegop
Weakness: The Current to Spritiual Intimacy by Cameron Woodall
Widows: The Untapped Resource in Your Church by Keith Collier
How Can I Return to Normal Life After Tragedy? by John Piper
Should Women Teach Theology To Women? by Henry Anderson
How Should a Women Lead? by John Piper
The Weightiness of Words by Jared C. Wilson